Monday, July 28, 2008

Hypnosis (anxiety)

This article is titled "Break You Worst Health Habit-Overnight" New studies suggest that hypnotherapy can conquer just about any bad for you obsession. It states that the word hypnosis may conjure visions of the time you saw The Amazing Boris get the shyest wallflower to dance like a chicken, or of a creepy B-movie guy swinging a watch. But unlike stage and screen hypnosis hypnotherapy in which patients are verbally guided into a trance by a trained psychotherapists. Hypnosis appears to the part of the brain that says there is no way this will help. Particulary states that a client should definitely see improvement after one to two appointments. But lifelong issues like anxiety are tough. Some clients with a chronic health challenge or mood disorder may benefit from ongoing sessions. Others tried hypnosis for weight loss and smoking.

(Chapter 4 p.152-154) Hypnosis has been defined as an altered state of consciousness brought on by special techniques and producing responsiveness to suggestions for changes in experience and behavior. Hypnotized people look an act differently from nonhypnotized people. The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word hynos, meaning "sleep". (Chapter 12 p. 466) Anxiety disorder is a condition in which intense feelings of fear and dread are long-standing.


The article was titled "Being Fit May Slow Alzheimer Brain Atrophy". The disease makes brains shrink faster, but a study finds that the physically fit had less shrinkage. Getting a lot of exercise may help slow down brain shrinkage in people with early Alzheimers disease, a preliminary study suggest. However the more physically fit did not do significantly better on tests for mental performance. This is only a starting point for exploring whether exercise and physical fitness can slow progress of Alzheimers. While brains shrink with normal aging, the rate is double with people with Alzheimers. The study included 57 people with early Alzheimers. Their physical fitness was assessed by measuring their peak oxygen demand while on a treadmill and brain shrinkage was measured by MRI scans. The results fit in with previous indications that things people do to protect heart health can also pay off for the brain.

(Chapter 8 p.305) Obesity is associated with health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and increased risk of heart attack, and possibly Alzheimers disease. (Chapter 2 p.74 and Chapter 6 p.234-235) Among the many neurons tha communicate using acetylcholin4e are those active in controlling movement of the body, in making new memories, and in slowing the heartbeat and activating the digestive system. No wonder, then, that disruptio of acetylcholine systems can result in a wide variety of problems, including the loss of memory and , eventually of all mental powers that is seen in Alzheimers disease. The formation and storage of new memories are associated with at least two kinds of changes in synapses. One is occuring while stimulation of the environment promote formation of new synapses. The other kind of change occurs as new experiences change the operation of existing synapses. The memory problems seen in Alzheimers patients are related to a lack of neurons that use acetylcholine and send fibers to the hippocampus and the cortex.


The article is titled "Living With Bipolar Disorder Takes Understanding". It states you have spent years trying to manage the extreme ups and downs with mood swings. You want to make your manic symptoms controlled and to feel more like yourself. Maybe ability can help. It helps control th symptoms of bipolar mania and reduce the risk of manic relapse. It is used to treat manic/mixed episodes in adults with Bipolar I Disorder and maintain efficiency in patients whose symptoms have been controlled on Abilify for six weeks.

(Chapter 12 p.476-477) The alternating appearance of two emotional extremes or poles characterizes bipolar disorder. One emotional pole:depression. The other is: mania, which is an agitated, usually elated emotional state. During periods of mania, people tend to be overly optimistic, boundlessly energetic, certain of having extraordinary powers and abilities, and bursting with all sorts of ideas. They are irritated by anyone who tries to reason with them or slow them down and they make impulsive unwise decisions. In bipolar disorder, episodes of mania may alternate with periods of deep depression. Bipolar disorder is rare. They are extremely disruptive to a persons ability to work or maintain social relationships. They are often accompanied by anxiety disorders. It maybe related to stressful triggering events. Combining drugs and pschotherapy is recommended in some cases of bipolar disorder. Pschotherapy or drugs alone in people suffering from severe, long-term depression.


The article was titled "ADHD meds: playing it safe". Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should be screened carefully for heart conditions and given an ECG in some cases before they are given drugs according to AHA. ADHD meds like Ritalin and Aderall are typically stimulants and could excaberate and underlying heart condition. Kids already on meds for ADHD should also be screened.The new recommendation is a cautious move to catch rare cases.

(Chapter 13 p.530) The combination fo drugs and psychotherapy has been also shown to be more affective than either method alone in treating ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcoholism, stammering, compulsive sexual behavior and panic disorder. (p.489 Chapter 12) An ADHD diagnosis is given to children who, compared with other children their age are impulsive, unattentive or both. Many of these also have difficulty sitting still and controlling physical activity. Their impulsiveness and lack of self-control contribute to be significantly impairements in learning and to an astonishing ability to annoy and exhaust those around them. In some cases, problems in parenting may increase the risk for this disorder.


The article was titled "Your Dreams Miss You". It stated when you can't sleep, you can't dream. Fortunately there is a sleep aid like no other and it's Rozerem. It's approved for adults having trouble falling asleep. It is the first and only perscription sleep aid that in clinical studies shows no potential for abuse or dependence. Rozerem is approved for adults having trouble falling asleep. You can also take it for as long as your healthcare provider recommends.

(Chapter 4 p.146) The most common sleep disorder is insomnia, in which people have daytime fatigue due to trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Sleeping pills can relieve insomnia. If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep that persist for longer than one month at a time, you may be suffering from insomnia. Besides being tired, insomina tied to mental distress and impairement of functioning. It is especially associated with depressive and anxiety disorders. Overall insomniacs are three times more likely to show a mental disorder than individuals with no sleep complaints. (p.150) The brain activity during sleep is experienced as the story-like sensations and perceptions known as dreams. Dreams may be short as a few seconds or last for minutes. Some occurs during non-REM sleepk, but most dreams and the most bizarre and vivid dreams-occur during REM.